
Life for the Krkonoše (Giant mountains) meadows? LIFE CORCONTICA!

If you like walking on the Krkonoše
Mountains meadows, surely you have noticed that not all of them are covered by multi-coloured flowers. Why is that?

Despite the current activities of local farmers, the meadows have been gradually degrading. Unlike the small herbaceous species, the current grassland management is suitable for the tussock-
grass species as Holcus mollis or Calamagrostis villosa. These tussock-grass species realize their life strategy, because they form a carpet impenetrable for other grassland species. Continuous expansion of these grass “carpets” brings a loss of quality forage important especially for small farmers and hunters.

The botanists of the Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration mapped the Krkonoše Mountains’ meadows and chose 29 of the most valuable mountain grassland enclaves, on which long-term care, such as mowing and raking, cutting pioneer trees and elimination of invasive plant species, will be focused. Within the project a five-member working team will be organised and also the local farmers will participate, especially through sheep, goat and cattle grazing. A pasture areal will be constructed in Sklenářovice for app. 200 sheep to enable slow and more intensive grazing at local pastures, the places with the occurrence of valuable orchids such as Dactylorhiza sambucina, Dactylorhiza majalis, Orchis mascula or the pink blooming Gymnadenia conopsea.

For more information please go to the project webpage 

We are looking forward to your interest in the treasures of the Krkonoše Mountains.

About the history of the Giant Mountains.

A comparison of the meadow in 50-ties and today on the example of Dvoračky can be seen here.

Our vision.

Priority meadow biotopes of the project.

If you want to participate in the project, materials and documents can be found here.
