A activities

A1 – Preparation for realization of restoration measures to support of habitats Community importace 6230*, 6510 and 6520

Detailed plans of management interventions have been planned (documentation for realization of activities C1, C2 and C3), a schedule of measures and personal and technical capacities were planned.

Status: Completed in February 2015.

Outputs: Creation of 45 management plans (demo) for care of workspaces of 420 ha (C1). A set of plans for special interventions (C2 and C3) was prepared as well - demo. Specific land restoration measures (grazing, mowing, ...) are carried out by land users on the basis of a contribution contract with a coordinating beneficiary. These users have the obligation to secure and submit lease agreements with the owner if they are not the landlords themselves.

Changes: The total number of management plans is 45, while 29 was planned. Number 45 includes plans for substitute sites.

A2 – Preparation of investments to provide sustainable existence of habitats Community importace 6230*, 6510 and 6520

There is plan to prepare 7 investments units. As part of the activity, we are preparing project documentation for realization of some investments – primarily investments that support the agricultural activities and long-term sustainability of the project. We will also acquire statements from the state administration as well as the necessary approvals based on currently valid laws (zoning approvals, construction approvals, etc.)
1. Pasture complex on the locality Sklenářovice and shelters for sheep on the locality Brádlerovy Boudy
2. Briquetting line
3. Hay line, 2x conveyor for animals, mobile grazing equipment, 3x brush cutter
4. 200 sheeps
5. Projects cars
6. Field and office computing technology and phototechnics
7. Flowmeters

Status: Completed

Outputs: Plans and documentation for 7 investment units. Tenders were announced and technology was purchased.

Changes: Points 4. and 7. were removed from the external circumstances and points 1., 2. and 3. were modified.

A3 – Preparation of intervention at farms with the habitat 6230* occurrence and of information campaign

As part of the activity, there will be an application database created which will significantly simplify the management planning for locations in need of protections, connect the interests of individual groups which participate in biotope care. The largest benefit will be future effective use of financial resources and simplification of their combinations when fulfilling the planned care. Maps will be prepared for the areal information campaign (E2).

Status: Completed in March 2015.

Outputs: Materials have been prepared, tender has been announced and completed and the sub-limit contract for application database has been assigned. The product is now in testing phase. Final documentation has also been prepared for intervention on farms, maps and concepts for information campaign.

A4 – Preparation of farm plans for the farms with the habitat 6230* occurrence

For several selected farms, based on previous agreement with the farmer, plans of careful management have been prepared for areas that contain habitat 6230* (species-rich Nardus grasslands).
These plans will be utilized for activity C5 in direct realization of the care for Nardus grasslands.

Status: Completed in March 2015.

Outputs: 157,5 hectares were managed under farm plans. Measures have been proposed for 130 hectares and contracts have been concluded to implement these measures. Funds for action A4, however, have been used to the extent foreseen, as field surveys and negotiations with farmers have been time-consuming (territorial fragmentation by farms, frequent changes in the ownership of land blocks). The map of Nardus grasslands on farms was finished. Currently, there are 10 plans of careful land management. The activity continues in activity C5 and through cooperation with farmers.

A5 – Preparatory works for restoration of the Gentianella praecox subsp. Bohemica populations*

As part of this activity, documentation has been prepared for measures supportive of the Gentianella –suitable management settings for the protection of the species i.e. pasture, raking old vegetation, turf disruption and harrowing. A feasibility study has been elaborated for the possibility of repatriation of the species.

Status: Completed.

Outputs: Feasibility study and detailed documentation including a monitoring plan have been prepared.

A6 – Collecting information and detailed preparation of actions to support Cottus gobio

As part of this activity, documents will be prepared that are indispensable in realizing supportive and protective measures for the Cottus gobio. These are complex solutions for fundamental negative influences on its population. An overview will be prepared detailing the handling of watercourses in the Site of Community Importance (SCI), hydro-morphological map of watercourses in the SCI, map of migration barriers for the Cottus in the SCI, report on the state of fish communities in the Krkonoše SCI, map of Cottus gobio’s natural occurrence within the Krkonoše SCI, list of locations for potential revitalization, report on current and historical fish activities in the SCI, project documentation for action C7 and a plan of fish management.

Status: Completed.

Outputs: All 9 planned outputs were created. An extensive data collection has been performed and thematic maps have been elaborated: hydro-morphological map of watercourses, migration barrier map, map of Cottus gobio’s natural occurrence. An overview has been elaborated detailing the handling of watercourses, list of locations for potential revitalization and a report on current and historical fish management. Project documentation for action C7 was prepared on the Albeřický potok and Bolkovský potok. Plan of fish management was completed.