D activities

D1 – Monitoring the impact of measures in habitats 6230*, 6510 a 6520 and on the Gentianella bohemica within priority enclaves

Priority enclaves where renewal measures will taken (activities C1 and C2) will undergo monitoring of quality indicators for habitats 6230*, 6510 and 6520. There will also be monitoring of impact of the measures on the population of protected species and on indication groups of invertebrates. The final report will contain not only new findings on the locations but will also help evaluate the effectiveness of the spent financial resources and data will be used for further management planning and agricultural care.

Status: Completed

Outputs: Data is collected on permanent surfaces every year. For vegetation monitoring, two experts and two assistants set up 40 monitoring transects. For the monitoring of specially protected plant species, 2 populations were selected for the 6 species of plants concerned (12 transects). Invertebrate monitoring is carried out by 2 experts and 1 assistant. Data were collected on a total of 100 areas (2 ground traps, 15 minutes of butterfly tracking to 15 meters of traps, 50 skids up to 15 meters from traps, light traps for night butterflies, sampling 4 times a year at monthly intervals, including the collection of vegetation parameters in the vicinity of ground traps) in the years 2013 and 2015. The monitoring of Gentianella is carried out on a population in Albeřice. The final reports are able to download down in the page.

D2 – Observing the impact of the project on the use of habitats 6230*, 6510 and 6520 on farms within the Site of Community Importance - Krkonoše

Monitoring of quality indicators for habitats 6230*, 6510 and 6520 will take place on existing farms and locations where measures of careful land management (activity C5). Output of the activity will be information on the use of these areas and habitats in question at the outset of the project compared to its status at the end of the project. At the same time, we will be looking for new trends related to the realization of the project activities C1, C2, C5 and E2.

Status: Completed

Outputs: In 2013, data was collected on 200 segments over 250 ha and the same sample was monitored in 2016. Over 500 ha were monitored. Information on the type of non-forest use will be updated in the application database. The final reports are able to download down in the page.

D3 – Monitoring the impacts of the supportive measures for the Cottus gobio

The standard method of ichtyological survey will be the basis for the monitoring before the revitalization measures as well as of the immediate impacts of these measures (C7) to support the Cottus gobio.

Status: Completed

Outputs: Data were colected for the places, where the revitalization was initiated, and the selected 20 streams were monitored. Monitoring of the implementation of the measure was carried out in 2016. In October 2017, ex-post monitoring was carried out. The final report is being processed. The final reports are able to download down in the page.